Your story, and my story, they were meant to cross paths with God’s story.
And God’s story? It’s one that moves from creation to new creation, from life to new life.
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The Birth of Isaac and Incredible Hospitality
It wasn’t Abraham’s money or power that God used to raise a nation, but his hospitality and servanthood. These acts of love changed the course of history.
The Garden of Eden and the Gift Of Naming
God has created the heavens and the earth and planted a Garden where humankind will find their start. Everything is good. Even in the man and woman’s nakedness, there is no shame.
Gospel of Matthew – Resurrection
The Mary’s decided to stare death in the face instead of running from it. They did what 11 other men hadn’t already (one man short of 12, a painful reminder of what had happened).
Jesus Feeds Five Thousand
Jesus really had chosen to get way but the crowds had followed him and now it was beginning to get late. The disciples knew there wouldn’t be any food to take care of the people.
Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness
And for Jesus, even though he has power to turn stones into bread, and even though the angels could save him from death, he knows that who he really is, his real power, his identity, it comes from the Father above.
Jesus’ Baptism: Matthew
In a prophetic moment, Jesus instead chooses to be with the common people, taking on their sin, plunging it into this watery grave only to rise up again into the fullness of God where God says, I’m pleased. The Jesus who loves us is the one who wades into the waters with us.