Your story, and my story, they were meant to cross paths with God’s story.
And God’s story? It’s one that moves from creation to new creation, from life to new life.
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Mary Magdalene encounters the Resurrected Jesus
Even after the resurrection, when Jesus could have already ascended to heaven, already laid claim to his rightful throne, he instead chooses to breathe life into someone feeling dead inside.
The Crucified Messiah
In what seems like an eternal pause, the way that Jesus works was on full display. Victory will often look like failure on the surface but its what’s happening behind the scenes that’s what matters.
Jesus is condemned
Even after Jesus has nearly been scourged to death and ridiculed, Jewish leaders still want Jesus dead. It’s in this moment we begin seeing the difference between God’s kingdom and earthly kingdoms.
Jesus washes the disciples feet
You can’t fully experience Jesus in your life without serving others because Jesus was not only a teacher and leader, but also a servant.
Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead
Jesus says to them, “Unwrap him and release him.” Jesus was talking about his funeral linens but he was talking about so much more all at the same time. He must have said the same thing to Death and Death had no choice but to give up it’s hold on Lazarus.
Jesus and John the Baptist
Followers of John were paying close attention to everything Jesus was doing throughout the land. One day, these followers decided to visit John in prison and tell him everything they had seen.