Mary Magdalene encounters the Resurrected Jesus

A Retelling of Mary Magdelene encountering the Resurrected Jesus

Early on the first Sunday morning after Jesus had been brutally murdered, even before sunrise, Mary Magdalene went to check on the tomb of Jesus. Much to her anguish, the tomb was empty, the body of Jesus was missing, and after telling Peter and John what she had seen, she sat outside of the empty tomb weeping. She is so distraught that even at the sight of angels, she can’t think about anything else but finding the body of Jesus. Grieving greatly, she half looks away from the tomb at a man she mistakes as the gardener, telling him that if he’s taken Jesus, she’ll go get him and take care of the body. It’s only when the man says, “Mary,” that she looks up, realizes it’s Jesus, and begins celebrating. Even after the resurrection, when Jesus could have already ascended to heaven, already laid claim to his rightful throne, he instead chooses to breathe life into someone feeling dead inside. This is the Resurrection.

A retelling from John 20:1-18

Storyline Commentary on John 20:1-18

Characters Mary Magdalene, who had been freed from 7 demons by Jesus, who is now troubled because she thinks Jesus’ body has been stolen. Peter and John racing to the tomb to see for themselves that the tomb was empty. Angels there to attend to Mary’s need. Jesus who Mary first mistakes for the gardener because she’s so distraught that Jesus’ body has been taken, but when he says her name, she knew.

Setting Early on the first day of the week (Sunday), while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene goes out to check on the tomb of Jesus.

Tension The stone has been moved away from the entrance and the body of Jesus is nowhere to be found causing Mary Magdalene even more anguish.

Resolution Once Jesus says Mary’s name, she instantly recognizes and rejoices that Jesus is alive and well.

Categories: John, New Testament